In The Washington Post, Karen Tumulty and Dan Balz write about the near impossibility of rewriting the Voting Rights Act in the face of the Supreme Court’s Decision to gut the landmark legislation: “If the five justices who voted to gut this landmark legislation think that this Congress has the ability to reform this legislation in the current hyper-partisan environment, they are beyond naive,” said Ronnie Musgrove, a former Democratic governor of Mississippi.
The Atlantic’s Molly Ball reports, the Southern Progress Fund, also is gearing up to launch in the coming months, led by former Mississippi Governor Ronnie Musgrove…The goal, Musgrove said, is “to lay the groundwork long-term for the South once again to be a Democratic stronghold,” by “building a strong bench of up-and-coming Democratic leaders.”
This article in the American Prospect more clearly than anything else we have read shows why a Democratic resurgence in the South is an inevitability. And most importantly, how building a base of support for Democrats in the South will have a profound impact on national politics. This is a must read.
The Republican Party is in the weakest position it has been in two decades of Pew Research Center polling. Interviews with more than 7,000 respondents nationwide so far this year found just 23% identifying themselves as Republicans. This is down from 25% in 2008 and 30% as recently as 2004. In total, the GOP has lost roughly a quarter of its base over the past five years. Read more.
There are large differences between Tea Party and Republican party. Some seem unsolvable. Establishment Republicans are closer aligned to Democrats than Tea Party on issues about education and environmental protections.
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